演 題:ブラジルのエネルギーセクターにおける投資機会


Energy sector in Brazil: opportunities for investments

Brazil is a renewable superpower. More than 83% of the power generation in the country
comes from renewable sources (compared to a global average of 24%). Renewables also
account for 41% of the entire primary energy matrix (compared to a global average of
14%). No other major economy, developed or developing, presents similar numbers. In a
context in which many countries are committed to neutralizing their carbon emissions by
the middle of the century, Brazil is emerging as a relevant player. The country is prepared
to provide clean, cheap and reliable energy to other countries. It has been successful in
establishing partnerships to develop innovative technologies to deal with the challenges
of decarbonization. Furthermore, it offers ample opportunities for foreign investors. The
seminar aims to address some of these opportunities, with a focus in areas of possible
collaboration with Japan.


  • 10:00~10:10 開会挨拶/Opening Remarks
    中西 孝平(一般財団法人海外投融資情報財団 理事長)
    Mr. Kohei Nakanishi, President, JOI
  • 10:10~10:40 ブラジルのエネルギーセクターにおける投資機会
    Energy sector in Brazil: opportunities for investments
    H.E. Mr. Eduardo Saboia, Ambassador of the Federative Republic of Brazil to Japan
  • 10:40~11:00 質疑応答/Q&


日 時 2021年4月26日(月)
開催方式 ZOOMウェビナー
参加費 会 員:無 料
言 語 英語メインン(同時通訳なし)
主 催 駐日ブラジル大使館、 一般財団法人海外投融資情報財団
後 援 日本ブラジル中央協会